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Recently moved from my small home town and trying to figure it all out in a new city... At 24 yrs old, I have an interest in so many different things that I need somewhere to put it all down...

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A Week Already...

     How has it been a week since I posted last?!?! I feel like I post every other day. Maybe I just think about things to post about... Lol. Exciting news of the week is... I'm touring a cosmetology school this week! Yay!!! I wanted to do that in high school and well life happened... I don't know if it's what I want to do for a career but I at least want to check into it all. : ) Also, what's your opinion on this extreme couponing thing? I ADORE grocery and getting stuff for free... AMAZING!!! But I don't think I could be that extreme. Like the stock piles they have and stuff. Kinda crazy. And I've been on a romantic comedy kick here lately but I have an issue... Why do they fill girls' heads with such nonsense??? Guys don't watch you while sleep and wonder what you are thinking... You don't make eye contact from across the room and walk towards each other. Then spend the night laughing around the park fountain... I'm a huge believer of love. I am. Just not that fairytale love that occurs once in 123,894,781,294,357 love stories. I know I sound like a downer about all this... And no, I haven't had some heart-wrenching story about bad love. I just don't think it's fair to build girls up for them to have the once chance. So anyways... I just went to the party store and found a new vodka. CUPCAKE VODKA!!! It's all different types of cake flavors. I want to try the frosting one. Doesn't that just sound like a liquid party... : ) So any holiday plans?!?! I just love summer. So much going on...


<3 <3 <3 firework shows...

Local Art Festival
I've always heard of it but have never been. YAY!

Virginia Beach
My sister is moving here in less than 2 weeks to attend law school.
I get to go help her unpack everything & I'm hoping I get to see a couple of these sunsets while I'm there. :)

Hugs & Heart,

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Rainy Night = Amazing Sleep

     It has finally started storming some here and it's amazing. I love a good every once in a while... So it's the official first day of summer!!! YAY. Has everyone made their "Summer Bucket List"?!?! My mom, aunt, and myself started to do ours tonight and I have decided we need more adult items on the list. Lol. They are all friendly for my brother and young cousins. I think we need a couple wine & whine nights. : ) It's where are drink lots of wine and whine about people who just piss you off sometimes. Good to get those emotions out. So is anyone else completely obsessed with other blogs. It's like bad. I have to limit myself to like a hour a day or I would be on here for 7 hours! So many crafty & funny & different types of people on here. <3 you all! I have been looking into taking on another hobby (as if I didn't have enough). Here are a few I have looked into: Circus School (how fun), Hair School (back-up career/personal obsession), Bartending &/or DJ lessons (awesome party tricks)... What do you guys think? Do I have to just pick one because I really want to do them all... :) More of my randomness... Has anyone ever received a gift that completely melts your heart? Like the item was created for you and only you and the moment you received it, you felt just relieved with life in general?!?! Well I received one of those things this week... From Mama Nancy (my ex's mom but I hate referring to her like that) I got a bracelet. I will have to include a pic to do it justice... :) Made some amazing cookies today. Cowboy Cookies!!! Anyone ever made them? AWESOME. Pure bliss... :) Well that's enough rabble for the evening I suppose... :)


I substitute 1 c butter for the 1 c shortening... :)

How beautiful is this bracelet?!?! I swear it was made just for me... :)

Hugs & Heart,

Thursday, June 16, 2011

It's Been A Minute...

     It's been a few days since I last blogged!!! I'm so sorry. The past week has been so busy... It's Zech's last week of school and so it seems like all I have done is running around for him. At 7, he could use an asssitant! : ) My ex's mom surprised me with a journal and stationary set. Yes, we are still close. I'm still close with his whole fmaily. But anyways... I <3 paper products & I was having a bad day so it was great. Also, I found out a close friend is pregnant!!! We are so excited. Her and her boyfriend weren't planning on it but it's a great surprise!!! Babies are always a blessing. So I have had baby fever!!! I have looked up so much baby stuff. It is a total baby overload!!! <3 I was sick last week and that was no fun. Moving to another state my body has had to adjust to a whole list of new allergies. This is kind of a rabbling post I know. I'm sorry... Just lots of random thoughts. A couple days ago I rode my bike 3.5 miles!!! I know that isn't that far but it is for a country girl who just started riding a bike! : ) Speaking of being a southern girl from a small town... I've never been to a Trader Joe's and I HAVE TO GO TO ONE SOON!!! It seems so amazing and looks so yummy. I'm also so obsessed with those feather hair extensions but they are so cruel to the animals. Have you guys been reading the articles on them?!?! BUT... I found some that are cruelty-free and even faux feathers... YAY!!! I will post some links below...

Baby Inspirations of the Week:

I <3 cake pops... I <3 <3 <3 baby shower cake pops!!!

No yucky canned old stuff... Gotta make your own baby food...

How cute is this?!?! Every baby is a rock star!!!


Hugs & Heart,

P.S. I typed really fast and the spell check isn't working so I'm sorry if anything is misspelled... : )

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

This Heat... :(

     OMG this heat is so much!!! Today and tomorrow is in the upper 90's. That's crazy for here. But it is even hotter in TN so I don't miss that. So I have been seeing all of these cute pics of "Summer To Do" lists. I need to make one asap. Stuff to do in a new town. Stuff to meet people my age. Stuff to do with Zech. The possibilities are endless and I'm excited! What's on your summer to do list?!?! Is anyone going on any big trips? I love travelling. I want to go to Thailand... That sounds fun. :) But I'm sure it is even hotter there. Lol. I have been looking at getting a new phone. I have Verizon & there are just so many options. Every phone I have looked at has so many positives and negatives. The Iphone actually does seem the best and I originally wanted an Android... What to do, what to do... If anyone has any tips, LET ME KNOW!!! ;)


Isn't this the cutest?!?! I want Zech to do this...

Raspberry Beer Cocktail Doesn't this look so yummy!!!

Martha Stewart's Origami Lanterns  I want to be surrounded by these. <3

Hugs & Heart,

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy...

     Such a busy few days... How was every one's holiday weekend?!?! Mine was wonderful. I got a basket and a lock for my bike. I'm like an official cyclist now... Lol. Not quite but it's still fun. I grilled out with friends on Saturday & then with family on Sunday. On Monday, I went back to a friend's and grilled out again. Today I went and seen Hangover 2. Ok it was totally raunchy but you still can't help but to laugh at it. It has been super hot here too the past 2 days. Today was like 91*. Ugh, wow. It's still hotter in TN though. Cuss word... Also, today I applied for a job. Yes, I have been jobless for the past 3 months. It was a nice break and in the middle of moving, it didn't always feel like a break... But I am excited to get back to working. I really do enjoy it! : )

As for the week's inspirations...

I cannot get enough of this song right now...

Isn't this just the prettiest lil updo!!!  <3

p.s. People and products in my videos, pics, etc. do not pay me to endorse them. They are truly just my fave things... :)

Hugs & Heart,

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Rainy Days...

     I have never seen so much rain! It has been crazy weather here and it's suppose to be worse today... And all I want to do is ride my bike. I come from a farm so I never got to ride a bike. Now that I have relearned how to ride a bike, I've got bike fever. I want to like ride to the farmer's market and put fresh flowers in my basket... And go to the post office or the theater or anywhere else!!! Lol. See, bike fever!!! Last night Zech was supposed to have a singing at school called "Is a Camel a Mammal?" Bahaha... But the roads were flooded so it is rescheduled for next Wednesday. Random... Does anyone have any tips on sketching? I'm so bad at it!!! I have sketch books and all the really good pencils... I'm just still not good at anything besides a heart and stick people. : )


I want a painted elephant!!! Or just a trip to India... 

Nicki Minaj "Super Bass" Yes, yes... I know. She is crazy but I adore her. <3

Farmer's Markets... Fresh food. Local food. I can't get enough... : )

What inspires you?!?! Inspire me, please...

Hugs & Heart,

Monday, May 23, 2011

We survived...

Well people... We survived the weekend... Woo woo. And it was also my beautiful mother's birthday. That was the best part of the weekend. : ) She is so anti-birthday so we had just a small dinner. It was great though. Until this year, I lived on a farm far away from the outside world so we never got any visitors. But this year living the middle of a city, we got lots of birthday visitors. It was splendid day for sure. Flowers from the farmer's market. Fresh steaks from the local butcher. Bottles and bottles of wine... Today was 1 of 3 of Oprah's last shows. Did anyone watch it?!?! OMG loved it. Can't wait for tomorrow and Wednesday's episodes. And then at midnight on Wednesday night, HANGOVER 2!!! I know I said that last post but I'm just very excited. Did anyone check out any of the things from my last post?!?! Hmmm... I will forgive you this time. ; )

As for a recipe, I'm going to post my own...

I am horrible at actually measuring stuff out so all these are the "rough" amount... : )


- 3 large Vidalia onions
- 3/4 c blue cheese (crumbled)
- 3/4 c feta cheese (crumbled)
- 1 c whipped cream cheese
- salt, pepper, paprika, basil, parsley, garlic, & any other herbs you can't live without!!!
- disposable aluminum tray (8 x 8 or roughly that)

     Hollow out the 3 onions into little onion bowls (keep it about 1/2 in thick on the bottom and sides). Keep the onion guts for later. : ) Mix the 3 cheeses and add seasonings to your taste. Add more cheese if you want... Stuff the onion bowls with mix and place in tray. Put onion guts around the onions and smother with the rest of the mix. Cover with aluminum foil and put on the grill on med-low for about 45 minutes. Then uncover and cook for 15 more minutes or until the cheese starts getting crunchy on top. Slice and serve or use with crackers as a dip. SO YUMMY!!!

If you have any questions on it, just email or comment me...

What music are you guys currently listening to? I love anything Nicki Minaj. <3 <3 <3 her. Also, I'm loving some old Johnny Cash and Old Crow Medicine Show. I know. I know. Very different music but I love all music. There is no such thing as HORRIBLE music. Some I might not care for but I never hate music. : )

Hugs & Heart,