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Recently moved from my small home town and trying to figure it all out in a new city... At 24 yrs old, I have an interest in so many different things that I need somewhere to put it all down...

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A Week Already...

     How has it been a week since I posted last?!?! I feel like I post every other day. Maybe I just think about things to post about... Lol. Exciting news of the week is... I'm touring a cosmetology school this week! Yay!!! I wanted to do that in high school and well life happened... I don't know if it's what I want to do for a career but I at least want to check into it all. : ) Also, what's your opinion on this extreme couponing thing? I ADORE grocery and getting stuff for free... AMAZING!!! But I don't think I could be that extreme. Like the stock piles they have and stuff. Kinda crazy. And I've been on a romantic comedy kick here lately but I have an issue... Why do they fill girls' heads with such nonsense??? Guys don't watch you while sleep and wonder what you are thinking... You don't make eye contact from across the room and walk towards each other. Then spend the night laughing around the park fountain... I'm a huge believer of love. I am. Just not that fairytale love that occurs once in 123,894,781,294,357 love stories. I know I sound like a downer about all this... And no, I haven't had some heart-wrenching story about bad love. I just don't think it's fair to build girls up for them to have the once chance. So anyways... I just went to the party store and found a new vodka. CUPCAKE VODKA!!! It's all different types of cake flavors. I want to try the frosting one. Doesn't that just sound like a liquid party... : ) So any holiday plans?!?! I just love summer. So much going on...


<3 <3 <3 firework shows...

Local Art Festival
I've always heard of it but have never been. YAY!

Virginia Beach
My sister is moving here in less than 2 weeks to attend law school.
I get to go help her unpack everything & I'm hoping I get to see a couple of these sunsets while I'm there. :)

Hugs & Heart,

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